I love to travel abroad but there's just 1 thing I wish I could take with me ; our bread and pastries. When in Paris, the choice is quite similar to our flavours - maybe just a little more sugary and sweet - but bread wise, my country rules !
I just LOVE bread and all it's varieties we can choose from : my husband and I always joke that one day, when we are old & wise, we will move to Italy and live there until 'death us do part' ..
We can see ourselves having a house somewhere in Tuscany and I would run a small shop - imagine that wonderful shop Vianne had in the Chocolat movie - filled with racks of freshly baked breads and artisan homemade pies.

I could totally see me do this … now I just need to find that dream house and start baking !

3 opmerkingen :

  1. theres nothing i love more than the smell of freshly baked bread! id love it if youd comment back http://amyelizabethfashion.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/creme-sheen-in-heartbeat.html xx

  2. Ik krijg instant honger als ik die foto's bekijk! Mmmmm Maar je hebt wel gelijk, nergens is het brood zo lekker als bij onze vertrouwde Belgische bakker. :)


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